Wednesday, March 15, 2017


                                Relatives central idea 

                 In the beginning of relatives Jason uncle came over for a visit like a family reunion. we figure out that Jason wants to be like Hugo because when the mother said there here,Jason took out everything in this room that Hugo might think is girlish. Later when Hugo ask Jason to smoke with him,Jason said no but then change his mind because Hugo kept on encouraging him to do it. Jason smoke thinking he will impressive Hugo. I learn that Jason care what people thinks of him because first he took things down from his room  because Hugo might not have like it or think something about Jason. Then the family ask Jason to read one of his poem he try to act like he dose not  know because Hugo was there and he dose not want him to know he writes poem.But through out the story i learn that Jason try to fit in with other kids and not stick out.
Image result for relative word

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